Locked In Cornwall, its members, representatives or employees will not be held liable for any injuries sustained during a game. Because of the nature of the games, people with heart conditions, anxiety disorders, PTSD, light/sound sensitivity or pregnant women might choose to refrain from participating. You are participating at your own risks.
Once you’ve entered the room, the game entrance door will not be locked behind you. You will then have 60 minutes to find clues and solve puzzles to find the way out of the room. If after 60 minutes you have not been successful, we will inform you and you will need to leave the game. At any point and for any reason during the game you can leave via the entrance door or a fire exit door. If there is an emergency please exit via the unlocked entrance or fire exit door and proceed to the car park.
Nothing needs to be broken or forced open. Our games are about finesse not strength. Any object that is deliberately broken or removed from the room will be charged to the group. Please follow all written and verbal instructions, they are for your safety, not to trick you. If we observe any potentially risky or unruly behavior, we will enter the room and stop the game. If you are removed from the attraction, there will be no refunds or re-admissions for any reason. We reserve the right to remove any patron at any time for any reason.
- Do not remove anything from the rooms and please leave keys in locks.
- The ceiling tiles and wall coverings do not need to be moved or removed.
- There is no need to move or lift any heavy object including any floor grates.
- The use of mobile phones or other portable electronic devices are not permitted during game play.
Following the latest government advice, from Monday 19th July, Locked in Cornwall is moving in line with the updated government guidance. Whilst not mandatory, we still encourage players to wear a face-covering when on the premises.
We will continue with additional measures to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all our customers and staff, including no more than one group in each game at any time, hand sanitiser stations on entry, and cleaning of the room in-between games.
By signing below I acknowledge that I have read and understood the rules. This waiver is valid for the day of the scheduled visit/room. After you submit the form, your screen will reload to this same page. You will get a confirmation email indicating that the form has been received.